Monday, March 08, 2010

Somewhere deep in us

In moments like this I want to write. When everything is white outside and the snow keeps on falling through the night. Just looking through the window at the scene behind my building and sensing the quiet outside. The huge maple tree, my friend in all seasons, is surrounded by some pine trees and all are with branches bended from the heavy snow. And I can tell that it's still snowing just by the yellow street lights. The sky is beautiful, it's kind of orange-gray.

I feel I want to freeze the moment. I wanted to go to bed but I want to do something. I can't just leave this moment go by unnoticed. I want to write a haiku, but I don't dare. I don't want to describe details, no, I want to paint the whole scene. But I'm afraid I can't, or maybe I just don't dare thinking I would destroy it. I'm no able to describe such beauty.

And that leads me to the question why I want to make this scene eternal by putting it on paper. What is it that makes us want to freeze some moments, through words, through paintings, through photos, through music? Do we want to have something to hold on to? Something that will give us a moment of eternity? Maybe something of heaven here on earth? Or maybe that is just a sign of a longing for a place we don't see but it exists somewhere deep in us? Somewhere deep in us...


laura said...

as the facebook generation would say, laura kuparinen likes this. :)

scot said...

I love reading your blog.
You're a poet.

elanor said...

Mnogu ubavo pisuvas Alek.