First thing I want to say is that people are people no matter where they live. Without relationship with Jesus Christ everyone is lost and empty. Someone might be richer or smarter than the other but they are both lost and empty. A person begins to live when God awakens their spirit and filles them with His Holy Spirit. Just few days ago I had this opportunity to spend time with followers of Jesus from Albania and Kosovo. The same light in the eyes, the same joy, the same tears, the same purpose, the same father. How beautiful! And on the other hand the world is just building walls, building hatred, building lies, blind leading the blind. And if we are not different who will be? If we don't stand for what we believe who will?
The other thing is the feeling when you have had a great victory, when you have done something good, encouraged someone, just had a great experience with God, or came home after a great service or a great worship time and then you just feel disillusioned. Lonely. What's all this about? It just doesn't make a sense. But friends, it does make sense. We are part of something bigger than us, something that we might never understand fully here on earth. Our feelings change, but that does not change the truth. So let's hold on! Think of the coming glory. Think of the One who went through such rejection and ran the race to the end. We have seen the end of the movie. WE WON!
hey alek, thanks for the encouraging text!
you know, I have been seriously thinking about coming to macedonia (and other eastern europe countries) in july. but still need to wait for God on that. but we´ll see what happens :)
OK, just to let you know that you are welcomed and keep me informed how things develop about your possible visit.
Kolku ubavo napisano i kolku ohrabruvacki!I kolku vistinito!Super,prodolzi taka.
Точно така , и јас мислам дека Господ ги спроведува неговите дела преку нас само ние треба да Го пуштиме да го стори тоа .
Од нас зависи се ... или
its hard to choose !
or not ?
Еве ти еден виц
Се игра утакмица во Јужна Америка.
После 20 минути доаѓа до измена. И конечно се јавува коментаторот.
- Драги гледачи еве ја и првата измена, излегува Цамбио а влегува Цамбио, изгледа овој му е некој роднина.
После 65 минута повторно измена. И пак се јавува коментаторот.
- Драги гледачи еве ја и втората измена, излегува Цамбио, а пак влегува Цамбио, овде изгледа игра цело семејство!
И пред крајот на утакмицата.
- Драги гледачи јас длабоко се извинувам. Цамбио во превод значело замена!
Hi man, sweet blog!! I really like your choice in content. you are speaking the TRUTH my freind, so keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to coming to visit you guys again but I'm not sure when because my papers are.....slightly out of order (i.e. non-existent :) In the meantime keep pumping out those songs of yours, you've got a bright future in songwriting, and rocking out for Christ. PEACE.
Hey Dean, what a surprise to meet you at the blog :)
I'm glad you like it. I pray your papers get fixed. May God be with you. Cheers!
Urban Mystic!...Dali i tebe treba kako i na tvojon drugar St.Alpin da ti kazam da pises nesto novo?Tolku li nemate inspiracija,pa pisete bilo sto,nesto,da ne gubime vreme i pari za gjabe otvorajki gi vasite blogovi?!Ni jas nemam bas nekoja inspiracija,pa sto...sepak pisuvam.
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